Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fun Facts About Mosquitos

Mosquitos are insects which belong to the dipteral class and their Latin name is Culiseta longiareolata.
These insects live in all parts of the world except Antarctica and the Arctic

They reproduce with eggs, which become larva that grow in the water. When they are mature, they become mosquitos and are ready for reproduction.

Only the adult form of mosquitos can fly. As an organ for eating they use a special type of mouth which is present in insects. This mouth is used for pricking and sucking different fluids.
In general, mosquitos are active during the night, except the tiger mosquito which is active during the day.

Mosquitos find food with special sensors - chemical ones for seeing and ones for detecting heat.
Only the females eat (more precisely, suck) blood and males consume nectar and plant juices. That’s because females need metals and proteins, which they get from the blood to make eggs.

The mosquito is a transmitter of many deceases, like malaria, that is the reason why so many people die for years.

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