Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spinach: Where Does It Come From; How Should You Eat It; And More

Spinach is a plant which distinguishes by its fragile green leafs which are used as food for people and other animals. Its Latin name is Spinacia oleracea.

Spinach comes from the Middle East, more precisely from the Arabic people who brought it in Europe and the rest of the world in the 4th century. Spinach is s spring plant and it grows on average temperatures and it needs a lot of water.
Its leafs are full of water. In these leafs there are many hidden vitamins: Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex. Then, it contains healthy elements such as: Iron, calcium, magnesium and many others.

Spinach is recommend for every person at any age. It is especially recommended to anemic people because of the iron and pregnant women because of the folate.
One thing you should know is that spinach loses its vitamins and elements once heated. When heating, spinach loses a lot of nitrate, which is very good for our health. It is not recommended to reheat it.

In addition to that, you should know that the water in which spinach boils is unhealthy. Actually, it consists of a lot of Sodium, which can be bad for people suffering from heart disease.

Finally, do you know who is the biggest producer of spinach? It’s China! Who would’ve thought? 

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