Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Egg Came First, And We Know Why

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This questions has caused debates since Aristotle (384-322 bc), who said that both the chicken and the egg must had always existed.
Stephen Hawkins, the famous astrophysicist, once said that it’s the egg that came first.

In 2010 we got the first scientific answer. Namely, scientists founded a protein called ovocleidin-17 in the eggshell, which is created by chickens only. This theory proves that chicken came first.
However, the question remains unclear. Where did the chicken come from? Science has given us one logical theory about that, too.

Many, many years ago there have existed a chicken-like bird. It was genetically very similar to today’s chicken but it was not the same. Scientists call it proto-chicken. One proto-chicken has laid an egg, and the proto-roster has fertilized it.

A mutation has occurred in this egg. The chicken that came out of this mutated egg was same as today’s chicken. So, it was the egg that came first after all.
In addition to that, today’s birds are believed to be successors of dinosaurs, and dinosaurs has reproduced with eggs. Again, it was the egg that came out first.

So, maybe the question we should be asking is: which come first, the proto-chicken or the proto-chicken egg?

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