Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ants have toilets in their nets

Ants are colonial and working insects. That’s a proof that these small insects are very intelligent and witty.  But the discovery that they have toilets in their nests is very groundbreaking.

Scientists explored black garden ants. In their food (sugar solution), they have put food coloring. Some of the ants were eating only red food and the others only the blue sugar solution. So, when a blue ant defecated, its feces was also blue. 

After two months, scientists started to notice the coloring dominating in specific places in the nests. The colors could be identified in the corners of the nest.

Why? Apparently, the ants make toilets in their nests to protect themselves, the food and the larvae. Their feces contain dangerous bacteria and transmit diseases.

The ants that move around in environment defecate outside. However, in the colonies, there are ants that can’t go outside and because of that they are have to choose one place when they would defecate. This is a genius solution for protection of the colony from diseases and other dangers. 

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